Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thing #8 -- Ask A Librarian Day 2009


Today (Friday, February 20,2009) is Ask A Librarian Day in Florida.

The statewide Ask A Librarian service recently moved over to InstantService. The service saw a 21% increase in December 2008 from the previous December. Ask A Librarian reported 2,312 chat sessions in December 2008.

Here at Saint John's County Public Library we are covering approximately five one hour shifts per month. We also handle questions via email and try to get back to the patron within 24 hours.

It didn't take too long to find a comfort zone with the new chat system. Plenty of training is available via Traci and Diana at TBLC.

The questions that come in range from the very silly to the very serious, and everything in between.

Here's the Ask A Librarian photostream on flickr.

1 comment:

  1. Hip-Hip-Hooray! I'm sad that I didn't work on Friday. it was a great opportunity to where stickers on my forehead and cheeks!
